¿Cómo cambio de la línea de comandos a la GUI en Linux?

¿Cómo cambio de la línea de comandos a la GUI en Linux?

Que pasa cuando la tarjeta de video Radeon - AMD sin drivers en Linux bloquea el boteo?

Linux tiene por defecto 6 terminales de texto y 1 terminal gráfico. Puede cambiar entre estos terminales presionando Ctrl + Alt + Fn. Reemplaza n con 1-7. F7 lo llevará al modo gráfico solo si arrancó en el nivel de ejecución 5 o si ha iniciado X usando el comando startx; de lo contrario, solo mostrará una pantalla en blanco en F7.

How to set 'Nomodeset' into the grub bootloader (Debian and Ubuntu)

This guide is to set nomodeset parameter into the boot process which is very useful for the AMT dedicated servers and will allow the server to display the screen onto the VNC viewer plus correctly.
1. Install the O/S. In Debian choose the normal installer with out graphics. In Ubuntu just run through the installer like normal.
2. After completion reboot the server as normal but interrupt the default boot in GRUB by hitting the arrow keys.
3. Highlight the very first, top option and hit 'e'
4. Scroll down on the editor and look for the line that starts with 'linux'. Once found append to the end of the line with 'nomodeset'
5. Press 'F10' to boot. The server should boot and not disconnect if done correctly.
6. Login as 'customer' and switch to 'root' either by executing 'su' or 'sudo su' in Ubuntu
7. Execute 'nano /etc/default/grub'
8. Look for the line 'GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=""' and change it to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="nomodeset"
9. Press ctrl-x to save and exit
10. Execute "update-grub" and wait for it to finish.
11. Reboot the server. If done correctly, the server should boot into the O/S and should not disconnect.

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